Driving makes you hungry…
we thought you might like a Bacon Hat.

Now that we have your attention, take a minute to see how you can start making bacon.


High-quality television advertising can showcase your product or service in the living rooms of a wide audience: the average American spends over 1,000 hours a year watching television.


Whatever your business, a well-timed radio advertisement can get your message in front of targeted audiences: more than 94% of Americans over the age of 12 hear radio advertisements every week.


Create a customized social media marketing mix to help your business get to “yes” with consumers: social media is used by 46% of Internet users when making a buying decision.


Email marketing can help you connect the dots between your marketing strategy and direct revenue for your business: for every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return on investment is over $44.

Source: http://fortune.com/2015/06/15/email-marketing-alive-and-well/


Billboard advertising allows your business to convey a memorable message and turn prospects into customers: 32% of billboard viewers decide to visit the specifically-advertised retailer later that week.

Direct Mail

Efficiently and effectively target your market with a direct mail marketing campaign aimed specifically at your consumers: over 40% of consumers in the U.S. have tried a business after receiving direct mail.

Bacon Hats are sweet. Bacon Hats get noticed.
Be Like Bacon Hats


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